Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
James Elementary School has developed its Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) to ensure that all students receive quality education and resources. This plan aligns with state and federal guidelines to address the needs of our diverse student population.
Local Educational Agency Plan (LEA Plan)
James Elementary School has crafted a comprehensive LEA Plan that guides the implementation of educational services for all students. This plan follows a continuous cycle of assessment, community involvement, planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. The LEA Plan spans five years and is reviewed and updated at least once annually.
• Click here to view the James Elementary LEA Plan Goal 2 Update & Budget
• Click here to view the James Elementary LEA Plan
LCAP Policy
• LCAP Policy
• AR 0460
Goals and Actions Addressing State and Local Priorities
James Elementary School’s LCAP and annual updates shall include goals established for all students and each numerically significant subgroup, including:
1. Teacher Assignment and Facilities:
• Ensure appropriate teacher assignment and access to standards-aligned instructional materials.
2. Academic Content Implementation:
• Detail how programs enable English learners to access state standards.
3. Parent/Guardian Involvement:
• Describe efforts for parent input and participation, particularly for unduplicated students.
4. Student Achievement:
• Measured by statewide assessments, completion of courses for UC and CSU entrance, and progress toward English proficiency.
5. Student Engagement:
• Measured by attendance and dropout rates.
6. School Climate:
• Measured by suspension/expulsion rates and surveys on school connectedness.
7. Broad Course Access:
• Enrollment in a broad course of study for all subject areas.
8. Local Priorities:
• Goals for any local priorities established by the Board.
Increase or Improvement in Services for Unduplicated Students
The LCAP demonstrates how James Elementary School increases or improves services for unduplicated students in proportion to funding increases. This includes:
1. Identifying services funded on a districtwide or schoolwide basis.
2. Describing how these services meet goals for unduplicated students.
3. Providing a rationale if unduplicated student enrollment is less than specified thresholds.
Availability of the Plan
The Superintendent or designee shall prominently post the LCAP, any updates or revisions, and the LCFF budget overview for parents/guardians on the homepage of the James Elementary School website.